Today we went out into the town to see what we could see-see-see. Much to our surprise the town of Landskrona with it's ugly shipyard is actually the most beautiful township I've ever laid my eyes upon. It totally blows Kiel out of the water. Earlier I described Sweeden as Northrend because of it's geographical location but it seems much more like Goldshire to me. So many beautiful parks with lakes and trees and lamp-posts.

So when my German friend saw this sign he commented "Hey, do you know what that sign says?" and of course I replied "Nope" because it's in sweedish - duh. He then said "Neither do I! Isn't it great?". It fees good to be in a country where Matt can no longer understand the language either. Apparently Sweedish people speak good english - that's good because Sweedish is freaky.

So Matt and I found these pens with various animals in them including these Llamas, which didn't seem too interested in us, despite the German's amazement at such a creature. We also found some young Llamas which we petted and some young bulls. Matt climed into the pen and stared down the bull for a while.

Man this lake was so beautiful that I just had to cry.
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