Today the logos hope finally sailed out of Kiel after a long stay in the northen German town. As the ship still is not registered as a passenger ship it can only take 80 crew while sailing, so any non-essential personnel had to go by land in a bus - that means me and thankfully all my friends as well. Here you see me and Philipp waiting on the keyside for the ship to sail away

Many from local churches and the community at large came to say good-bye to the ship and it's crew, many visiting the day before and during the morning before forming a large crowd on the quayside to send off the ship that has been a large part of the christian community in Kiel for many months.

Finally sailing away it still required two tugs to navigate safely out of the harbor. Everyone cheered and there were many horns-a-honking including car horns, air horns and finally the big, manly ship horn.

So with the ship gone the remnants of the ship's crew walked down the road to a local church where we spent the night on the floor before heading off to Sweeden on a coach. We were all very excited and a little disapointed to be not sailing with the ship, but it was fun nonetheless.
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