Today a group of people headed from the mainland over to a little green island covered in wind turbines. We took the Logos Hope's rescue boat which is fairly nimble but only takes 4 passengers at a time. It was great getting a little boatride.

We walked the length of the island to explore, mostly we found these wind turbines (which we knew were there obviously) and some dirty water and some tracks. We found a bird sanctuary and several interesting looking sheds probably related to the windfarms. There were dirt roads all over the island, which seemed silly because any car would not be able to go anywhere but around the island.

On the otehr side of the island we met up with some more people from the Logos Hope at what appeared to be a beach where we could relax and go for a swim. It was pretty relaxing lying in the sun there. but...

In the end the 'beach' didn't deliver on an important point - there was water, but it only went up to my knees for around 500 meters. I walked and walked and walked until it reached my waist and then we played in the water a bit and went back. Also the water was full of seaweed - as was the shore. It makes me miss the Australian beaches.
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