Last week the carnival arrived in town at the end of the Fjord and like good boys and girls many from the ship including myself have been taking in the sights. Each ride costs about 2 Euros - which may sound cheap, but it's really almost $4 Australian - and there are around 4 or 5 big scary kind of rides, two of which I've now tried. The one in the above picture is similar to Wonderland's Wizard's fury ride going around in circles really, really fast only the differce being that the bar that holds you in doesn't seem to lock - adding an extra element of fear.

This ride is called the break dancer - and if this is what it feels like to be a breakdancer than I'm glad I don't dance. There are a bunch of little taxi's that spin around really, really fast and after going on this ride I threw up in my mouth - yuck. Both the above rides I went on with Rob the Aussie IT guy among others. They went on to ride on this crazy big ride that goes upside down and Rob felt pretty bad afterwards.

On another night I had a go at the dodgem cars, and these tracks either don't have the no bumping on purpose rule or I just can't read the signs so there were many, many head-on collisions with angry, drunk German people and with Shama my friend from Shri-lanka

I also shot some darts with a crossbow and won a prize.
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