Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Today I took a one day trip to Berlin with my parents. We took the ICE train so it only took 3 and a half hours to get there - you don't want to know how long it takes on a normal train. So to fill our 5 precious hours in Berlin between the train arriving and the train leaving for Kiel we decided to take a bus tour of the city. On this tour we could get off the bus at any of the stations and get back on the next bus (they run every fifteen minutes) and while you are on the bus there is an audio commentry available through headphones (or through the speakers if you happen to speak German). But despite this facinating American-voiced tour guide, I have no idea what anything below is - not because I wasn't listening, but because I forgot it all!

So here is an important looking building

And an awesome statue in Charlottenburg Palace

Here is me at checkpoint charlie on the old border between American and Russian territory

And the Brandenburg Gate is the most awsomest of gates leading into the city through the city wall (centuries before the Berlin wall - you know like those city walls that all the cities used to have - Jerusalem for example).

So it was an awesome adventure and it was good to see my parents again.

Update 30th March:
My parents have now left for home on a plane. I saw them breifly for lunch on thursday and we had a big teary goodbye on the ship. I will miss them dearly. I will now need to trust in God fully.
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